This short-lived band from the 70s are a welcome addition to the re-releases of recent years…The overall sound was quite American and very rock/funk, although they were always more rock than funk…As usual there are excellent sleeve notes to accompany some great music…
Martin Hudson, Wondrous Stories (February 2000)
…you’ll find appearances are deceptive: the laidback country-rock groove sustained throughout has held up remarkably well in the quarter-century since its release…Had it come from an American band, “All Funked Up” would undoubtedly have done better…
Michael Heatley, Classic Rock (April 2000)
“All Funked Up” is Snafu’s elusive third album reissued on CD for the first time. The blues debt is evident…while the Billy Gibbons-like overdriven slide adds a touch of Southern boogie to the mixture…
Joel McIver, Record Collector (April 2000)
It’s not hard to see why many fans reckon All Funked Up was Snafu’s finest ever album.
Jo-Ann Greene, Goldmine (April 2000)
“this 10 tracker has a gritty funky feel that benefits from rich vocal harmonies”
Hartlepool Mail (November 2000)
This fine British band’s blend of funk/r&b and country influences benefited greatly from the instrumental work of slide guitarist Micky Moody and keyboardist Tim Hinckley…
Kevin Bryan, (January 2004)