Category Archives: Leftovers,Relics & Rarities

MAMMOTH – Leftovers, Relics & Rarities


…presents an interesting insight in the stompers’ modus operandi…it’s something…to savor (July 2007)

They have a big, bad and brassy appeal…with their booming rock…Full of curiosity value…

Terry Craven, Classic Rock Society (July 2007)

Rehearsal tapes, demos, radio sessions, songs that never made it on to disc, this is an incredible treasure trove of music…

Jo-Ann Greene, (June 2007)

Leftovers,Relics and Rarities is exactly what it says, a 17 song collection of bones that build into a portrait of what Mammoth might have been before Intelligent Design (evolution would never have made such a mess of things) got hold of it…Too long seen as little more than a fat joke taken too far, this is Mammoth as they should have been, a massive band with a sound to match and, like their namesake, an unstoppable musical force of nature. Now you can hear them bellow once more.

Jo-Ann Greene, Goldmine (June 2007)

…the aural paraphernalia gathered here presents an interesting insight in the stomper’s modus operandi…these bones are precious. (August 2007)

…great,polished hard rock…with excellent packaging a good introduction

Joe Geesin, Record Collector (August 2007)

…an excellent slice of melodic heavy rock…

Metal Nose (July 2007)

…this is a collection of seventeen fat slogging songs that melt together superbly…the reawakening of a giant dream

Classic Rock (July 2007)

…one of those niche products Angel Air excels in delivering. This time it is ’80s British heavy rock fan that are bound to get what they look for…

Maelstrom (November 2007)

…one of those niche products Angel Air excels in delivering. This time it is ’80s British heavy rock fan that are bound to get what they look for…

Maelstrom (November 2007)

Posted in Leftovers,Relics & Rarities, MAMMOTH | Leave a comment